12/13/2023 - 11:44am
The Madrid City Council met on Monday, December 5 with all members of the Council present. The agenda was approved with Councilperson Rigby declaring a conflict of interest in regard to his connection with the VFW. No other conflicts of interest...
04/20/2022 - 8:21am
Hobbies can be a weird thing. Can be. It all depends on what someone enjoys doing. There are model cars to put together, knitting, painting or a myriad of other things. There is really no limit as to what a hobby could be considered to be.
03/17/2025 - 8:53am
DES MOINES - There was a brief period on Friday night where a 10 point lead disappeared for the Madrid Tigers against top ranked Marquette Catholic in the 1A state championship game. Instead of rolling over, the Tigers, as they have all season...
03/17/2025 - 5:18am
Genevieve (Gen) Rose Huston (Bellows), 83, of Grimes Iowa, passed away on February 2, 2025 while visiting her daughter in Bradenton Florida. Up until the end Gen continued to share her kindness, love of family and friends, and humor.
Gen was...